nanshee peloshee

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It’s glorious to watch‼️

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Doesn't take long once awake to realize how massive this war they're waging on populations is. Then to see they're not only walking around in public but showing up for scheduled appearances! W😲w. Those same Leftist protestors were setting fire to buildings and murdering ppl in riots in 2020 and she didn't have any problems with them then. Well at least ppl are seeing zionists for the pigs they are.

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Thanks, Ryan, I enjoy the increasing infighting on display here. While I don’t know exactly what Q meant by the post: We save Israel for last, we are witnessing a breach in the normal united front the DEMs put on…as long as Trump and conservative patriots are the target. There is clearly a shift happening.

Dr Jan Halper-Hayes, on a DoD task force to monitor the pulse of the nation, said that the ‘amount of infighting that is negatively blossoming on social media is a good sign because ‘historically when it has been a peoples’ movement, as it gets closer and closer to success is when the infighting increases’

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I wish she would have suffered like this at the hands of patriots when she Impeached PDT twice, for nothing, that was ultimately a frame up. I hope the miserable drunken pig suffers a horribly painful death.

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Wishing her a painful death is hard for me to like, although I understand your sentiment!!!! I think she might suffer more living out her days in GITMO, although I resent having to pay her rent! In the end God wins and He will determine her fate like everyone else. Let’s hope and pray this reign of terror ends soon!😊

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Death can only be horribly painful for a relatively short time. I believe the Most High God has something unimaginably more horrific in store for her that will last forever. She turned away from Him and it has always been her choice. The sooner she goes away the better I say.

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