Sep 2, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

as usual a good idea goes awry.

End them all until we can find a better way to keep them honest.

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Good read, thanks for the site recommendations (which I've bookmarked).

In South Africa, we're awash with 'liberal' NGOs. They aim in one direction, politically. When I approached some for protection as a whistleblower, I was declined with no reason given. I'm assuming that they didn't like the fact that I'd exposed crime by the liberal party.

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Thanks for reading Mike! What were you blowing the whistle on?

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Lots. They tried to give control of our town's 30-year to property developers, they illegally funded a crony company to control town's tourism for over a decade, faked a report into the cause of the biggest fire in South Africa's history, financial fraud, graft etc. The situation caused the climate for an assassination which I testified at. The part that implicates the bigwigs is the cover-up, which included a massive propaganda campaign against me. Despite exposing the people behind it, they were all given court orders against me, and some were promoted. I sit in limbo, awaiting prison, despite Parliament and the Office of the Public Protector having ruled in my favour. Some folks are protected, even by the opposition. Corruption is rougher here.

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Dear Ryan, In my eyes, you are a "saint" for replying so quickly and comprehensively to my inquiry on how to respond to a friend who I sent your article to on the tax-exempt foundations. I extend a most sincere THANK YOU! I'm certain all of your readers are benefitting from you thoughtful and factual commentary. I am deeply grateful. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

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Thanks for the kind words Cynthia! The least I can do is respond to those who take the time to read my work, especially if I can help in some way. You will be in my prayers as well :)

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Hi Ryan....how can I respond to this comment from a friend I sent this article to? thank you! I appreciate your input.

" I find this just too crazy. I've known the Ford foundation well, and there is no way in creation that they ever talked about merging with the Soviet Union. Note that this is a report from 71 years ago supposedly quoting someone who is quoting someone else, for which there is no persistent record of either person. And in 1952 was the McCarthy era, when anything with even a hint of USSR or communism was reviled and hunted down. Overall, the main problem I have with most conspiracy theories, especially huge grand ones like this one, is that they assume that many, often thousands or even millions, of people are all collaborating and not a single one ever blows the whistle on the nefarious activities. And those people are parts of families, communities, friendships they associate with. Why do most criminals get caught when there is enough attention paid to their crime? Because it's virtually impossible not to leave clues. Sorry, I can't buy any of this."

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Author

It sounds like your friend might be experiencing cognitive dissonance. It might not be worth pursuing this but I will try to answer to the best of my ability.

It is entirely possible that Dodd made everything up at the expense of his career, I just don't see why he would do that without reason. First, Dodd was director of research for the House Select Committee to Investigate Foundations and Comparable Organizations, not just some guy on the internet sharing conspiracy theories. He reported this back in 1952, and I doubt that your friend was interacting with the upper echelon of the Ford Foundation back in the fifties. In fact, I doubt that your friend ever interacted with the upper echelon of the Ford Foundation and even if they did, why would they divulge to them any sensitive information? Your friends argument is not even really their own,

" they assume that many, often thousands or even millions, of people are all collaborating and not a single one ever blows the whistle on the nefarious activities."

This is an ad nauseum argument seeded into the minds of people who are easily fooled by propaganda., and it's an argument that totally mischaracterizes the reality of the situation. What we are describing as occurring within these foundations is something that occurs in every corporation, large or small, in the entire world at all times, and that is compartmentalizing information IE only a small percentage of the individuals in any given organization, whether it's the Ford Foundation or the CIA itself, are fully aware of the whole picture. Instead of "thousands or millions" it only really takes a handful at the top (typically card carrying members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, etc.) to actually effect the goals dictated down to them by the think tank. And even though it is far less than the "thousands or millions" of people that your friend thinks it must take, there are STILL plenty of whistleblowers who come forward on a regular basis.

Regarding McCarthyism, your friend has a dim view of the actual state of geopolitics and assumes that McCarthyism itself, much like Satanic Panic, was never based on a legitimate problem. A very successful character and narrative assassination was carried out in both instances, by the very same interests who stood accused in the first place. If you insist on helping your friend dispel the McCarthyism Myth, you could always show them the Yuri Bezmenov lectures: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g

And another thing about the Ford Foundation that your friend is likely to refuse to believe is that he was adored by the Nazi party upon his release of "The International Jew", a text highly regarded by many Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. They employed Ford's assembly line system and awarded him the Grand Cross of the German Eagle in 1938, so in a way Ford played a huge role in leading the Nazi party into a place where they could actually compete in military-industrial strength. https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/henry-ford-grand-cross-1938/

The stories of Ford being a pacifist are a load of garbage, he fed the War machine willingly and gladly. All the while the average administrative assistant and assembly worker likely had no idea what was happening. I could go on and on, but like I said, I have a feeling that your friend isn't capable at this juncture of simply considering that things might be different than they appear. No one is required to believe these things, but if they cannot take the information in and consider it without having to come to some conclusive stance on the subject, then they are not displaying the abilities of a free thinker or even a slightly inquisitive mind.

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Sep 3, 2023Liked by Ryan DeLarme

I completely agree with you on Ford. And great article indeed. Thank you 🙏🏻

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And thanks for reading Cynthia!

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