Awesome article....I avoid all those items primarily by just eating real food, but I do chew gum and that concerns me. I also eat Bacon but we get it locally and it's lean which means it's uncured so nitrate free, but tastes crappy to me so I rarely eat it. Thanks for such a well written and resourced article. Especially the search engine info. The Brave browser gives much different information than the ones you mentioned.. but I still use discernment even there!

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Excellent dig, with a concise and easy-to-read list. Thank you for the helpful links and for taking the time to write this article. Very valuable information.

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Two-Thumbs-Up , Ryan - - superbly presented .

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Hi Ryan great article. Did you have some references where to actually find products without those additives?

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Hey Michelle, thanks for reading! It really depends what part of the country you live in, here in Georgia we have supermarkets called "Sprouts" that have a wide variety of alternative foods to the corporate processed stuff you'd find at Walmart. Whole Foods is decent at least as far as ingredients are concerned, though they gouge you w prices. The best thing I can suggest is that you commit some of these additives to memory and read the ingredients on the label., because even stores like Target and Publix have some stuff that is free from nasty additives. I also recommend local farmers markets and butchers (of course you should still ask if they use the above, particularly Sodium Nitrate & Sodium Nitrite.

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Ok thanks! I live in vegas and we have sprouts ! I shop there and the farmers markets but a lot of times they don’t disclose everything! Thank you again for the information!!

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Thank you, Ryan, for your time putting this report together!

I know your focus was food additives but people need to be aware of the synthetic chemicals in products meant to create a pleasing smell - air fresheners, scented candles, perfume, laundry detergents, etc.

Anthony Williams, The Medical Medium, in his book Cleanse to Heal: pages 26-27

“Don’t underestimate the toxic levels of this category....These chemically scented vaporized poisons (air fresheners) hurt the lungs - their waxy, oily residues build up in the lung sacs. (They are actually worse for you than if you smoke cigarettes!)....The chemicals in synthetic scents can lower the immune system rapidly (breathing through the mouth, these chemicals end up in the liver and the bloodstream)....Our white blood cells need clean, fresh, oxygenated blood; with chemical scents our white count becomes hindered. Exposure to a heavy dosage of air freshener, scented candles, cologne, perfume, or similar scent could mean three to four days of a weakened and lowered immune system.....And don’t be fooled by “natural fragrances” - this is the same tactic as listing “natural flavors” in a food’s ingredient list (such as MSG)....Younger people are developing actual chemical sensitivities at rapid rates due to all they’re exposed to.”


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rock (solid) salt ❗

is the true salt of the Earth.

guard your input !

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Great info. Any thing I eat is either one ingredient or at most maybe four. If it needs preserved, I don’t want to put it in my mouth.

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Outstanding article Ryan! Thank you!

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Ryan, are you a Vegan?

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I was for a few months years ago. But no, I eat meat and dairy.

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